November 12, 2003


Dear Prof. Mann,

You say that, after the publication of our paper, Scott Rutherford deleted the files pcproxy.txt and pcproxy.mat from your FTP site so that people "do not continue to download an incorrect version of the dataset". Having acknowledged that you posted up an "incorrect version" for people to download, surely you are obliged to provide notice  of this revision at your webpage and FTP site, so that other users of your data archive who have downloaded the incorrect data are apprised of the problem. Also you have not indicated where the "corrected" version is. I have been unable to locate this "corrected" version and presumably other users will be in the same position. Could you please provide me with an exact reference for the "corrected" version. There are many more series on the MBH98 directory than the 159 series reportedly used in MBH98 and, in the absence of a roster, there is no way to pick them out. 

We are making a concerted effort to reconcile our results with your results and to avoid debate which is merely at cross purposes.  To accomplish this, as requested yesterday, we would appreciate a copy of the computer programs actually used to read in the 159 series and to carry out the temperature reconstruction in MBH98.


I note that you did not reply to many of our concerns, but am focussing here on matters which can easily be resolved merely by releasing some text files. 

Thank you for your consideration,

Steve McIntyre