From: Ziemelis, Karl
Sent: December 18, 2003 11:31 AM
To: 'Steve McIntyre'
Cc: Ross McKitrick
Subject: RE: Materials Complaint

Dear Steve,
Thanks very much for this latest information. We are putting the points that you raise here to Professor Mann (as we did with those from your original communication) and will await his response. I hope that you will understand that, given both the seriousness of your concerns and the time of the year (our office being closed for several days over the coming fortnight), it may take us longer than normal to bring this matter to a conclusion. But we are nevertheless anxious to do so, and I hope that you will bear with us.
Finally, you mention your intention to submit a Communications Arising in the near future. While we certainly do not wish to dissuade you from doing so, we feel that it would be in everyone's best interests to resolve the present matter first.
Best regards,