From: Ziemelis, Karl

To: 'Steve McIntyre'
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 9:03 AM
Subject: RE: MBH98

Dear Steve,


Thanks very much for your note - my vacation was indeed most enjoyable, as I hope yours was.


Regarding your materials complaint, there is not much (yet) to report. We are still awaiting a full response from the original authors, although they had informed us that this would probably not be forthcoming until the end of this month (some of the authors who need to contribute to the response were unavailable over the new year period). We are, however, hopeful that this will soon be resolved.


Regarding your submission on the principal companent analysis, I have indeed seen it and have been involved in discussions with the editors handling it: you should be hearing from us later today about the course of action that we will be taking with this article.


Finally, many thanks for your thoughts on data archiving/citation policies. This is indeed an issue that is being much discussed here (not only in the context of your materials complaint), and feedback of this sort is very much valued in helping us to determine the policies that we should implement!


Best wishes,

