From: Langenberg, Heike

Sent: February 27, 2004 2:18 PM

To: Stephen Mcintyre

Cc: Ziemelis, Karl

Subject: Your materials complaint regarding MBH98


Dear Dr McIntyre,

We have now received the replies from Michael Mann and colleagues to your materials complaint, which we attach below.


In the light of the responses, we feel that it is appropriate for Mann et al. to publish a correction to the initial paper (MBH98), stating the differences in the data sets used compared to those listed in the Supplementary Information of the original paper. The full data set, including the disclosure of the methods used, will be included as Supplementary Information to that correction. We have asked Michael Mann and colleagues to prepare such a correction.


We trust that the responses answer all your queries, and that you find this resolution of the matter satisfactory.


Yours sincerely,

Heike Langenberg

Senior Editor

PS You will hear from us very soon regarding your Brief Commication Arising.