Dec. 15, 2003

Dear Mr. McIntyre,

I contacted Dr. Mann regarding your request for his data.  I also contacted the NSF Office of General Counsel.  In my judgment, the researchers (please see Dr. Mann's electronic message below) have satisfied NSF's desire to see the results of publicly funded research made available to the wider science community. 

The NSF relies on the mores of the scientific and engineering research and education community when conducting research and releasing data.  The investigators come to the NSF with creative ideas to address difficult scientific questions and we give them the freedom to pursue those ideas and follow their line of research, wherever it leads them.  In return, we expect them to make their data available so that other scientists may examine and replicate their findings.

Dr. Mann and his colleagues have good records of responding to the needs of the wider scientific community by publishing their results and ideas in the peer-reviewed literature and making their data available in publicly accessible databases.  I believe that their most recent efforts follow in that tradition.


David J. Verardo
Director, Paleoclimate Program
Division of Atmospheric Sciences (Room 775)
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA  22203
phone: 703-292-8527
fax: 703-292-9023
email: [email protected]



At 11:31 AM 12/5/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Dear Mike,
With regards to the recent request made by Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick for access to data that you and your colleagues used in a series of peer-reviewed publications, please let me how and when you are planning to release the data relevant to their request.

Thanks in advance for your help.

David J. Verardo
Director, Paleoclimate Program
Division of Atmospheric Sciences (Room 775)
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22203
phone: 703-292-8527
fax: 703-292-9023
email: [email protected]


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael E. Mann [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 1:39 PM
To: Verardo, David J.
Cc: [email protected]1
Subject: Re: data access

Dear Dave,

Thanks for your inquiry.

As we encourage any good-faith attempts by other scientists to repeat our analysis, we have indeed already made the data associated with our NSF-funded research which includes the Mann et al, 1998 Nature article ('MBH98'); Mann et al, 1999 GRL article ('MBH99'), and Mann et al, 2000 Earth Interactions article, available publicly.

All of the time series data shown in MBH98 (the hemispheric temperature reconstruction and uncertainties, the reconstructed principal components "RPC" series, etc) were made available both on this website: <>
and through the NOAA paleo data site: <> at the time of publication.

All data (proxy indicators used and the reconstructions and uncertainties) associated with MBH99 were made available at the time of publication, here: <>
as well as here:

We then made the detailed yearly spatial reconstructions available in 2000 at the NOAA paleo website:

From the time of publication of MBH98, a listing of all of the proxy data (with some minor typos) was provided here:
while details of the number of proxy indicators used in the stepwise reconstruction approach were provided here:
and the instrumental temperature data, including eigenvectors and eigenvalues, and instrumental series shown in the various figures, were provided here:

All of the proxy data used in MBH98 were made available on our public ftp site once the various researchers that contributed data to our network were able to publish their own data (July 2002). The data (all individual proxy indicators used as well as the various PC representations of proxy sub networks for different time intervals) were provided in the various clearly labeled directories here:

We provided extensive documentation of the data sets used in the supplementary information lodged at Nature's web site in association with the publication of MBH98, so that those wishing to repeat our analyses could either go to the same public domain sources as us, or approach the colleagues who had kindly made data available to us. We made considerable efforts to make the various data and numerical results readily available online as soon as we were free to do so (in 2002), by setting up the public ftp site referred to above, although we were under no known obligation to provide the data in that particular medium. We gave as detailed a description of our methods as was possible in the confines of a short paper, and in all these respects must have satisfied the stringent standards set by the editor and reviewers of the journal in which we published.

In order to facilitate any attempt to reproduce our results we are now taking a further step beyond those normally required in the publication of such research. We are working with Nature to provide the MBH98 proxy data set in a more transparent, user-friendly format than that set up in 2002, including additional documentation, fixing of minor typos in the descriptions of different datasets, and providing some additional minor methodological details of the MBH98 analysis. We are also providing the full raw instrumental University of East Anglia/Climatic Research Unit surface temperature dataset 1854-1993 (Briffa and Jones, 1992), because CRU has since updated their surface temperature dataset, and no longer archives the version that we used when we began our study in the mid 1990s.

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide you that would be of help in this matter. I will of course update you once we/Nature have released the revised data archive.

Best regards,


Professor Michael E. Mann
Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903
e-mail: [email protected] Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137