The MBH98 Corrigendum purported to explain the discrepancy of 35 series between the series listed in the original SI and the series actually used as follows:

These series, all of which come from the International Tree Ring Data Bank (ITRDB), met all the tests used for screening of the ITRDB data used in Mann et al. [1998] (see Mann et al. (2000)), except one—namely, that in 1997, either it could not be ascertained by the authors how these series had been standardized by the original contributors, or it was known that the series had been aggressively standardized, removing multidecadal to century-scale fluctuations.

In this note, I show that these criteria do not explain either the exclusion of many of the 35 series or the seemingly inconsistent inclusion of series, which have been "aggressively standardized"..


Identification Information on Excluded Sites

First, the table shown here provides a listing of the 35 sites, sorted by originating author as shown in WDCP/ITRDB records.


Information on Authors of Excluded Sites

6 of the originating authors of excluded series had sites used directly or through a temperature reconstruction in MBH98. The exclusion of 6 Schweingruber series is particularly puzzling on this count as 38 Schweingruber series were used in MBH98; indeed series from the same time were both used and not used.


All of the excluded authors had been cited in the LTRR, Arizona bibliography here and it is difficult to surmise why methods of these authors were unknown to MBH authors or could not have been readily determined. The connections shown here do not represent an exhaustive search, but merely indicate that the exclusions were sites by well-known and well-published authors.


Table 1. Information on Exclusions and Inclusions in MBH98 by Author




Inclusions in MBH98

Other Connections


arge060, arge030, chil018, chil016, chil017

coauthor of 2 South American temperature reconstructions (npatagonia, cpatagonia) 21 titles in LTRR bibliography, including 9 with LTRR staff Holmes

Brubaker, L.

wa086, wa088, wa091, wa027, wa019, wa025, wa033, wa039, wa041

Kolyma reconstruction (cited to Schweingruber, pers. comm.) is actually from Brubaker and others

19 titles in LTRR bibliography. She contributed to Climate from Tree Rings, edited by Hughes.




9 titles in LTRR bibliography. Site described in Tree Rings, Environment and Humanity (ed. Hughes)

Holmes, R.L.

spai026, spai047, arge030, chil018, chil016, chil017

29 Holmes series are used in MBH98

Member of  LTRR, Arizona staff, where Hughes is located. Some of the excluded sites were published in Tree Ring Bulletin.



Norton and Palmer reconstruction used in MBH98 used 10 series standardized identically

16 titles in LTRR bibliography. Contributor to Climate since 1500 (ed. Bradley)


wa071, wa074


33 titles in LTRR.bibliography




58 citations in LTRR bibliography. Occasional co-author with Hughes


ak006, ak006x, cana053, cana053x, cana096, cana096x, ital015, ital015x

38 Schweingruber series used in MBH98, plus Tornetrask temperature reconstruction used in MBH98. Series ak006x and cana096x are from the same publication [Briffa et al, 1992] as many used series used in MBH98.

127 titles in LTRR bibliography. Exclusion of his series is particularly inexplicable.




5 references at LTRR


arge065, chil015

coauthor of 2 temperature reconstructions (npatagonia, cpatagonia) used in MBH98





1 title in LTRR bibliography


Exclusion of Series which are "Aggessively Standardized"

The MBH98 authors do not define "aggressively standardized", but, in tree ring standardization methods, this would appear to be series that are standardized with short splines or that have been pre-whitened.

In the absence of an explicit definition of "aggressive standardization" - which should be provided, it is impossible to test the application of this criterion. However, this criterion makes it hard to understand the inclusion of many series.

  • Stahle’s standardization procedures involve a prewhitening step that pretty much eliminates all variance exceeding 50 years. This would appear to be "aggressive standardization" under MBH criteria. Nonetheless, MBH98 uses 3 Stahle precipitation reconstructions (using 6 sites), 16 series in the Stahle/OK network, 22 series in the Stahle/SWM network and 17 series in the NOAMER network (including some series used twice). 

  • Vaganov’s procedures are not described, but the Durbin-Watson statistics strongly indicate that some form of prewhitening as removed long-term variance. Other examples of “aggressive” standardization: 

  • Serre (-Bachet) (fran009, fran010) smoothed with a 60-year lowpass filter.  Perhaps Morocco is standardized this way.



Archambault, Sylvain  and Bergeron, Yves, 1992. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 22:674-682. This is a cedar site – also in controversial Gaspé series.

Briffa et al., 1992.  Journal of Climate 5: 735-754. This is ALSO used for Briffa WUSA temperature reconstruction applied as a proxy.

Dobry  et al. 1996. in Dean, J.S., D.M. Meko and T.W. Swetnam (eds.)Tree Rings, Environment and Humanity

Holmes et al.,  Tree-Ring Bulletin 45: 37-42.

Richter, K, D. Eckstein and R.L. Holmes, 1991.  Tree-Ring Bulletin 51: 1-13.

Serre-Bachet,1994.  Climatic Change 1994, 215

Smith, D.J. and Laroque, C.P., 1996. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 50(1): 47-55



[1] Climatic Change 1994, 215