MBH# Series
4 Aqaba Core 18 δO18  Graph Script URL  
5 Aqaba Core 18 δC13.  These match exactly to NGDC. Note the strong non-linearity in recent δC13 readings.  Graph Script URL 
12 Quelccaya 1 Summit δO18. These match. However, note the diminishing amplitude as one recedes in time, indicating that the variance in this series is not stationary.  Graph   URL
13 Quelccaya 1 Summit Accumulation.  These match exactly, but note the curious linear patterns in the graph. The "accumulation" data is in fact projected from layer thicknesses assuming rates of ice flow, which become very thin in the early periods.   Graph   URL
14 Quelccaya Core 2 δO18   Graph   URL
15 Quelccaya Core 2 Accumulation.  The data has some curious patterns as series 13.   Graph   URL
46 MBH46 can be located in the C1500 digital compilation as a (northern) Aruacarua series located at 38S (MBH reversing the labels with series 47). MBH plug 6 values from 1975 to 1980.
47 MBH47 can be located in the C1500 digital compilation as the Rio Alerce (41S, 71W) temperature reconstruction. The C1500 compilation goes back only to 1500, but matches exactly to MBH47 in the period of coverage. This series is also used in MBH99.
49 MBH49 is stated to be derived from Fritts and Shao 1992. This is incorrect. Instead, an exact match was located at NGDC at a Briffa reconstruction, from splicing a 53-site temperature reconstruction by Briffa back to 1750 and a 27 site-reconstruction back to 1600.
53 Exact match other than MBH plugs from 1400-1403.
57 Exact match
59 Hornby Cabin, Canada. Exact match
60 Churchill, Canada. Exact match
61 Castle Peninsula, Canada. Exact match.
100 MBH100 is pairwise identical to NGDC except for 2 hot values at start of NGDC not shown in MBH.

CHIN004X is pairwise identical to NGDC

102 Pairwise identical to NGDC fran009. Ends in 1974
103 Pairwise identical to NGDC fran010. Ends in 1974.
104 Pairwise identical to NGDC fran011. Ends in 1973.
106 Pairwise identical to NGDC mexi001. Ends in 1971.

 MOR003 is pairwise identical to NGDC morc011.


 MOR007 is pairwise identical to NGDC morc001.


 MOR008 is pairwise identical to NGDC morc014.


 SPAI011 is pairwise identical to NGDC 

111 SPAI012 is pairwise identical to NGDC 


MBH# Series
50 Fritts data located at NGDC, but exact match not yet located.



MBH# Series
16 Dunde δO18 series by Lonnie Thompson could not be located at NGDC or other public archive. MBH Graph
17 Kameda et al Greenland ice melt feature series. Digital version could not be located. Some visual differences between plot of MBH series and print publication were observed. MBH Graph
18 Svalbard ice melt (%) could not be located in annual format. Irregular series MBH Graph  NGDC Graph  URL
19 Penny, Baffin Island O18 could not be located at NGDC.  MBH Graph
20 Central Greenland stack. No digital publication of stack located. Reference (Fisher et al [1996] refer to two candidate stacks: CWG consisting of Sites A,B,C,D,H, Crete74 and Milcent; and the CWG+GISP2 stack. Digital versions of all underlying datasets are at NGDC. MBH show the location at 77N, 60W, but sites A-D and H are at 70.3 to 71.1N and 36-45W. A mis-located by MBH – too far north; too far west. A longer version of this series is used in MBH99.
22 MBH22 (47.5N,2.5E)  is probably JB92 Paris(48.8N,2.5E), but no digital publication was located.

MBH24 (47.5N, 12.5E, start 1767) is perhaps JB92 Munich (48.1,11.7E,start 1781), but no digital publication was located to verify.


MBH25 (47.5N, 17.5E, start 1775) is almost certainly JB92 Vienna (48.2N,16.4E,1775 start), but no digital publication was located.


No JB92 series correlated strongly with this series and there is no corresponding location (52.5N, 17.5E) in the JB92 table.


No JB92 series correlated strongly with this series and there is no corresponding location (62.5N, 7.5E) in the JB92 table.


MBH31 (62.5N, 42.5E) is potentially Arkhangel, but no digital publication was located.

32 Station Precipitation 12.5N, 62.5E. No match in JB92 Table 13.3.  Probably Madras, India.
33 Station Precipitation 17.5N, 72.5E. No match in JB92 Table 13.3.  Probably Bombay, India.
34 Station Precipitation 37.5N, 77.5W. No match in JB92 Table 13.3.  Perhaps Washington DC.
36 Station Precipitation 42.5N, 7.5E .  This is same grid-box as Marseilles (which is series 35, incorrectly located at gridbox 42.5N, 2.5E). 
38 Station Precipitation 47.5N, 2.5E. This is same grid-box as Paris, series 37, which is incorrectly specified as 77.5W. Does not correlate to any JB92 data at NGDC.
39 Station Precipitation 47.5N, 12.5E. This is same grid-box as Padua, but little correlation to JB92.
40 Station Precipitation 52.5N, 12.5E. No locational match in JB92.
41 Station Precipitation 52.5N, 2.5W. Same grid-box as JB92 Hoofdorp, but little correlation to JB92 data.
42 Station Precipitation 57.5N, 7.5W. No locational match in JB92.
44 Jacoby tree site, period of which does not match potential Indonesian site at NGDC.
48 No digital publication of the temperature reconstruction (start 1550).  There are 3 NGDC sites near the MBH-reported location of 68N, 155E. Correlations between MBH and potential sites has maximum 0.63 (Majakit river/village), but all sites are reasonably high. Identification is not secure enough to permit adoption of update.

North Carolina Rainfall Reconstruction - no digital reference located. See sites ...


South Carolina Rainfall Reconstruction - no digital reference located. See sites ...


Georgia Rainfall Reconstruction - no digital reference located. See sites ...

66 No digital publication was located (Hughes). MBH66 is not in ITRDB units. The print version describes 7 locations between 69o7’29” and 70o32’23” N and 143o56’18” to 150o16’13”. The bracketed area was searched at NGDC. Only one series (Schweingruber) was located: russ142w_crns.crn at Tschokurdach, Ochotingna, a site mentioned by Hughes et al. There is a high correlation (0.80) between MBH66 and the NGDC series, but, due to the differences in units, no update is done.
67 MBH67 is a temperature reconstruction by Briffa (Clim Dyn. 1992) and is not in ITRDB format. No digital publication was located. The original publication refers to the Tornetrask site and contains an arbitrary correction to increase 20th century results.  There is a high correlation (0.87) to the NGDC Tornetrask MXD series, but owing to the difference in units, this is left as is.  Briffa [1998] has published a subsequent temperature reconstruction (NEUR) covering this area. The Briffa [1992] reconstruction differs substantially from Briffa and Bartholin [1990] reconstruction and contains an extensive discussion of defective standardization in the earlier publication (and in many tree ring site “chronologies”)
68 MBH68 is a temperature-reconstuction by Briffa et al [1995]. No digital publication of this series was located, although a digital publication of the later related NSIB series was located. The area was examined at NGDC and, as with series 66, digital publication of the sites seems to be defective.