Policy statements

The US Global Change Research Program states the following policy on data access:

  • "Full and open sharing of the full suite of global data sets for all
    global change researchers is a fundamental objective.
  • Preservation of all data needed for long-term global change research is
    required. For each and every global change data parameter, there should be
    at least one explicitly designated archive. Procedures and criteria for
    setting priorities for data acquisition, retention, and purging should be
    developed by participating agencies, both nationally and internationally. A
    clearinghouse process should be established to prevent the purging and loss
    of important data sets. ...
  • For those programs in which selected principal investigators have
    initial periods of exclusive data use, data should be made openly available
    as soon as they become widely useful. In each case, the funding agency
    should explicitly define the duration of any exclusive use period."

PAGES (Past Global Changes), the paleo-climate division of the IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme), states:

"PAGES supports the development and use of rules of good scientific practice
(ESF, 2000; Appendix A). These include:

  a.. making data and methods available for reproducibility of results,
  b.. making data behind any published graphic or figure publicly available
  c.. using data ethically, including proper citation."

The Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/exch/exch.html stated:

"International programs for global change research and environmental monitoring crucially depend on the principle of full and open exchange (i.e., data and information are made available without restriction, on a non-discriminatory basis, for no more than the cost of reproduction and distribution; see Attachment 1, OECD [1994]). Commonly, observations collected for a specific, narrow purpose have had unforeseen, yet crucial application to research activities of widely differing scope and magnitude. Since it is difficult to predict what data may be important for environmental issues in the future, as much data as possible must be made available to scientists."

Unarchived References in Major Multi-Proxy Studies

Once data is provided for use in multi-proxy datasets, which are then applied to climate change policy, it seems self-evident that both the compilations used for figures in those studies and the underlying datasets supporting the individual series used in the compilations are subject to public disclosure under the above policies.  Many of the "NA" series in the FTP compilations result from non-compliance, often by eminent figures. The following table is prepared on October 24, 2003 and will be updated.


The compilation of 112 series used in MBH98 was not digitally archived. Indeed, its digital availability herein is the first such public availability. Further, 57 of the 112 series used in MBH98 could not be identified in any digital archive, as summarized below. 41 of the digitally unpublished series could not be located in a print publication either.

Series # Series Name Author(s) Comments
16 Dunde ice core Thompson, L. Not digitally published. Not provided after specific request to author. Used in other studies e.g. BHD (2003)
17 West Greenland ice melt (%) Kareda et al  
18 Svalbard ice melt (%) Tarussov A digital source for the annual series of MBH was not located. An original source for the depth-melt % data is at WDCP.
19 Penny, Baffin Island O18 Fisher et al  
20 Central Greenland stack Fisher et al Source data for the individual series is at WDCP, but not the stack itself (including the exact methodology)
22, 24-26, 29, 31 Grid-box temperatures Jones and Bradley Not archived at WDCP, although series 21, 23, 27-28, 30 appear to be. Does not appear to be in referenced print publication.
32-34, 36, 38-41 Grid-box precipitation Jones and Bradley Not archived at WDCP, although series 35 and 37 appear to be. Does not appear to be in referenced print publication.
44 Java tree ring Jacoby and D'Arrigo  
48 Kolyma Schweingruber Print publication not identified by MBH.
62-64 Southeast US precipitation reconstructions Stahle et al  
66 Yakutia Hughes et al 7 site chronologies and underlying datasets remain unpublished
67 Tornetrask Grudd et al long data not published
68 Polar Urals Hantemirov et al long data not published
69-80, 84-99 various principal component series Mann, Bradley and Hughes not published in either print or digital form
81-83 Russian principal components Vaganov  

Bradley, Hughes and Diaz (2003)

23 series are used. The compilation used to create the figure is not archived. The following15 individual series used in the compilation are either not archived or incompletely archived.

Series # Series Name Author(s) Comments
2 Sajama Thompson 10-year series used in article is not archived, although other data is archived
3 Huascaran Thompson 10-year series used in article is not archived, although other data is archived
4 Inverted mean of eight tree-ring indices from northern Patagonia (Argentina and Chile). Villalba; Wolodarsky Compilation is not archived. The 7 Argentinian sites are archived by Villalba, but Lenca, Chile (Wolodarsky) is not.
6 Oroko NZ swamp Cook Cook stated that he has been working on this for 10 years, is still working on this and all data is still interim; upon finalization, he intends to archive the data. Interim data supplied to BHD has not been archived.
9 Guliya, China Thompson  
10 Dunde, China Thompson  
11 Dasuopu, China Thompson  
12 Sierra Nevada Graumlich chronologies and data for Kaweah, Crabtree and Hamilton sites not archived. Graumlich says that she is still working on another paper, following which she plans to archive the data.
14 Winter temperatures from historical documents, E. China. Quansheng Ge  
16 Sol Dav, Mongolia Jacoby and D'Arrigo Not archived. Jacoby has not acknowledged requests for data. D'Arrigo said that it was up to Jacoby. Collection of this data was under a N.S.F. grant
17 MBH multiproxy study Mann, Bradley and Hughes Compilation not archived (as noted above)
18 Polar Urals Cook (pers. comm.) Hantemirov et al. are originating authors. Secondary digital version published by Briffa possibly used by BHD. Site data not archived.
19 Taimyr Cook (pers. comm.) Naurzbaev and Vaganov are originating authors. Secondary digital version published by Briffa possibly used by BHD. Site data not archived.
20 Tornetrask Cook (pers. comm.) Grudd et al. are originating authors. Secondary digital version published by Briffa possibly used by BHD. Some site data for Tornetrask is at WDCP, but
21 Ellesmere Island sediments Patridge and Bradley Unarchived

Other multi-proxy studies will be considered in the future.