Ross McKitrick's website which presents background and summary information about the paper, information about the authors, FAQ’s etc., including presentation graphics.

Michael Mann website.   


Mann, Bradley and Hughes, Nature (1998)Mann webpage   NOAA Presentation 

Mann, Bradley and Hughes (GRL 1999)  NOAA Presentation

Mann et al. (2000).  Earth Interactions 4  NOAA html  NOAA pdf

McIntyre, S. and R. McKitrick (October 2003). “Corrections to the Mann et. al. (1998) Proxy Data Base and Northern Hemispheric Average Temperature Series Energy and Environment 14 

Mann's first comments as reported by David Appell. "The dog ate my homework".

Response by Mann, Bradley and Hughes et al. (November 2003). (Internet)

Comments (negative) by Osborn, Briffa and Jones, November 2003, posted up by Mann here. (Internet)

Muller, Richard (December 2003). Medieval Global Warming: A controversy over 14th century climate shows the peril of letting politics shape the scientific debate.. MIT Technology Review.

McIntyre, S. and R. McKitrick,  January 2004. First Nature submission:  Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcings over the past six centuries: a comment.  

Mann, Bradley and Hughes  March 2004. REPLY TO: Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcings over the past six centuries: a comment. By S. McIntyre and R. McKitrick. (First Nature submission.) (As posted up by Stephen Schneider.) 

McIntyre, S. and R. McKitrick, April 2004. Revised Nature submission:  Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcings over the past six centuries: a comment. 

Mann, Bradley and Hughes (July 1, 2004). Corrigendum, Nature

McIntyre, S. and R. McKitrick (Sept. 2004) M&M Project Update. 

McIntyre, S. and R. McKitrick (Sept. 2004). Verification of multi-proxy paleoclimatic studies: a case study. AGU Fall Meeting Paper Number: PP53A-1380. Abstract

Muller, Richard (October 2004). Global Warming Bombshell: A prime piece of evidence linking human activity to climate change turns out to be an artifact of poor mathematics. MIT Technology Review.

Natuurwetenschap & Techniek, Feb. 1, 2005

McIntyre, S. and McKitrick, R.,2005,  Hockey Sticks, Principal Components and Spurious Significance , pre-publication version accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters, copyright 2005 American Geophysical Union (doi: 2004GL012750). Further reproduction or electronic distribution is not permitted.

McIntyre, S. and McKitrick, R.,2005,  The M&M Critique of the MBH98 Northern Hemisphere climate Index: Update and Implications>, Energy & Environment 16, 75-102.


MBH98 at UMass July 1999   

MBH99 at UMass July 1999   

MBH98 at NOAA (1998) 

MBH99 at NOAA (1999) 

MBH98 dataset provided for MM03 Aug. 8, 2002 (OK, Mann deleted it just after MM03 was published.)  Here is a saved version  txt   xls 

MBH98 at UVA - old version (July 2002 or later)

MBH98 at UVA - new version (May 2004)

MBH98 - original Nature SI (1998)

MBH98 - new Nature SI (July 2004)

World Data Center for Paleoclimatology


All calculations are done in the stats package R. This is a remarkably good (and free) computer program which provides a flexible programmable environment for statistical and algebraic computations. You can obtain R here.  


Contact: Stephen McIntyre.