Added 7/05: the fortran (77) source code ("multiproxy.f") used by Mann et al (1998) for implementing the temperature reconstruction methodology described therein. An independent implemenation of the algorithm in open-source ("R") software, and reproduction of the published results, can be found at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR): We note here a few additional minor details of the MBH98 methodology that were not explicitly discussed in MBH98 due to space constraints. A brief listing of these is provided below, while a more detailed enhanced description of the Methods used by MBH98 is provided in the file "AlgorithmDescription.txt" in this directory. 1. The number of PCs retained in various proxy sub-networks were determined for each independent interval of the stepwise reconstruction based on a combination of objective criteria (modified Preisendorfer rule N and scree test) 2. Reconstructed Principal Components (RPCs) were scaled to have same variance as the annual mean instrumental PCs over the calibration period (1902-1980). 3. Proxy data and instrumental data were normalized by their detrended variance. An additional, independent application of the methodology of MBH98 can be found in the following publication: Zorita, E., F. Gonzalez-Rouco, and S. Legutke, 2003: Testing the Mann et al. (1998) approach to paleoclimate reconstructions in the context of a 1000-yr control simulation with the ECHO-G Coupled Climate Model, J. Climate, 16, 1378-1390.