Journal Source:
Annals of Tourism Research
Volume 31
Volume 30
Volume 29
Volume 28
Volume 25
Volume 22
J. Sustainable Tourism
Tourism Management
Responsible Tourism Management
Journal Resources
of Tourism Research - Volume 27
Volume 27, Issue
1, Pages 7-252 (January 2000) [Abstracts][pdf
- Tourism and
nativistic ideology in Cuzco, Peru, Pages 7-26 Pierre L. van den Berghe
and Jorge Flores Ochoa
- Dynamic texts
and tourist gaze: Death, bones and buffalo, Pages 27-50 Andrew McGregor
- Standardizing
city tourism statistics, Pages 51-68 Karl W. Wöber
- Modeling tourists'
multiple values, Pages 69-92 Deborah Crick-Furman and Richard Prentice
- Tourism and
older residents in a sunbelt resort, Pages 93-114 Renata Tomljenovic and
Bill Faulkner
- Ethnic tourism:
A Canadian experience, Pages 115-131 Yiping Li
- Small and medium
tourism enterprises, Pages 132-147 Stephen Wanhill
- The gaze, spectacle
and ecotourism, Pages 148-163 Chris Ryan, Karen Hughes and Sharon Chirgwin
- The state of
qualitative tourism research, Pages 164-187 Roger W. Riley and Lisa L.
- Tourism impact
modeling for resource extraction regions, Pages 188-202 Janaki R. R. Alavalapati
and Wiktor L. Adamowicz
- The self and
the other: Traveler, ethnographer, tourist, Pages 203-224 Vasiliki Galani-Moutafi
- Nordic symposium
on tourism research, Pages 225-227 Tommy D. Andersson
- Destination
marketing and management, Pages 227-229 Graham M. S. Dann
- Urban tourism,
Pages 229-231 Dimitrios Buhalis, Robert Maitland and Lourenço Viveiros
Volume 27, Issue
2, Pages 267-540 (April 2000) [Abstracts][pdf
- Working tourists and their attitudes to hosts, Pages 267-283 Natan
Uriely and Arie Reichel
- Anti-tourist attitudes: Mediterranean charter tourism, Pages 284-300
Jens Kristian Steen Jacobsen
- Tourism information and pleasure motivation, Pages 301-321 Cees Goossens
- Staging tourism: tourists as performers, Pages 322-344 Tim Edensor
- Caribbean cruise tourism: Globalization at sea, Pages 345-370 Robert
E. Wood
- Power and tourism: A Foucauldian observation, Pages 371-390 So-Min
Cheong and Marc L. Miller
- Residents' attitudes to proposed tourism development, Pages 391-411
Peter Mason and Joanne Cheyne
- Aboriginal heritage art and moral rights, Pages 412-431 Michael S.
- Tourist experiences and attractions, Pages 432-450 Joar Vittersø,
Marit Vorkinn, Odd Inge Vistad and Jorid Vaagland
- A linear program to model daily car touring choices, Pages 451-467
John H. E. Taplin and Carmel McGinley
- Tourism and the environment: a social movements perspective, Pages
468-489 Maria Kousis
- Evoking Ireland: Modeling tourism propensity, Pages 490-516 Richard
Prentice and Vivien Andersen
- Planning in tourist robbery, Pages 517-520 Dee Wood HarperJr
- Ecotourism in the last indigenous Caribbean community, Pages 520-523
Vanessa Slinger
- Rethinking tourism in the Balearic Islands, Pages 524-526 Julio Batle
- Revisiting Tourism and Understanding, Pages 526-529 Stephen W. Litvin
- Measurement of tourism's economic impacts, Pages 530-531 Stephen L.
J. Smith
- From explorers to mass tourists, Pages 531-533 Joanna House
- Heritage multicultural attractions, Pages 534-535 Turgut Var and Meral
Korzay SummaryPlus | Full Text + Links | PDF (42 K)
Volume 27, Issue
3, Pages 559-824 (July 2000) [Abstracts][pdf
- Local economic
impacts of dragon tourism in Indonesia, Pages 559-576 Matthew J. Walpole
and Harold J. Goodwin
- Spectral analysis
of international tourism flows, Pages 577-589 John Coshall
- Tourism potentials
for financing protected areas, Pages 590-610 Gerard S. Dharmaratne, Francine
Yee Sang and Leslie J. Walling
- Air-tour impacts:
The Grand Canyon case, Pages 611-623 R. Keith Schwer, Ricardo Gazel and
Rennae Daneshvary
- Tourist expenditure
for mass tourism markets, Pages 624-637 Eugeni Aguiló Perez and
Sampol Catalina Juaneda
- A furusato
away from home, Pages 638-660 Michael H. Rea
- Tourism in
protected areas: The Nepalese Himalaya, Pages 661-681 Sanjay K. Nepal
- Managing heritage
tourism, Pages 682-708 Brian Garrod and Alan Fyall
- Understanding
tourists: Interpretations from Indonesia, Pages 709-736 Maribeth Erb
- Successful
relationships between hotels and agencies, Pages 737-762 Diego Medina-Muñoz
and Juan Manuel García-Falcón
- Host community
reactions: A cluster analysis, Pages 763-784 Elizabeth Fredline and Bill
- Quality, satisfaction
and behavioral intentions, Pages 785-804 Dwayne A. Baker and John L. Crompton
- An emerging
discipline, Pages 805-809 Neil Leiper
- Indisciplined
and unsubstantiated, Pages 809-813 John Tribe
- Southeast Asian
tourism, Pages 814-816 Joan C. Henderson
- Anthropology
of tourism on the march, Pages 816-817 Dennison Nash
Volume 27, Issue
4, Pages 835-1077 (October 2000) [Abstracts][pdf
- Consuming heritage:
Perceived historical authenticity, Pages 835-862 Gordon Waitt
- Geographical
consciousness and tourism experience, Pages 863-883 Yiping Li
- Privileging
the male gaze: Gendered tourism landscapes, Pages 884-905 Annette Pritchard
and Nigel J. Morgan
- Tourism demand
constraints: A skiing participation, Pages 906-925 David Gilbert and Simon
- Traveling the
world: Identity and Travel Biography, Pages 926-945 Luke Desforges
- Evaluation
of demand: US tourists to Aruba, Pages 946-963 Manuel Vanegas, Sr and Robertico
R. Croes
- Validating
the international tourist role scale, Pages 964-981 Jeff Jiang, Mark E.
Havitz and Robert M. O'Brien
- Forecasting
international tourism trends to 2010, Pages 982-1006 Egon Smeral and Andrea
- Support for
rural tourism: Does it make a difference?, Pages 1007-1024 Aliza Fleischer
and Daniel Felsenstein
- Tourism and
governance in Turkey, Pages 1025-1048 Korel Göymen
- Tourism Motivation
Process, Pages 1049-1052 A. Scott McCabe
- China's Tourism
Education into the 21st Century, Pages 1052-1055 Honggen Xiao
- Guggenheim
Museum's Effectiveness to Attract Tourism, Pages 1055-1058 Beatriz Plaza
- Management
Competencies for Graduate Trainees, Pages 1058-1061 Evangelos Christou
and Jack Eaton
- Tourism industry–Academic
interface, Pages 1061-1063 Stephen Litvin
- Asia Pacific's
tourism role in 2000, Pages 1063-1065 Honggen Xiao
- Establishment
of a doctoral research network, Pages 1066-1068 Russell Arthur Smith