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  Annals of Tourism Research
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      Volume 25
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      Volume 23
      Volume 22
  J. Sustainable Tourism
  Tourism Management

MSc Responsible Tourism Management
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Annals of Tourism Research - Volume 25

Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 1-274 (January 1998) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Tourism as experience : The case of heritage parks, Pages 1-24 Richard C. Prentice, Stephen F. Witt and Claire Hamer
  • Political ecology of tourism, Pages 25-54 Susan C. Stonich
  • Redefining Amsterdam as a tourist destination, Pages 55-69 Heidi Dahles
  • A dynamic international demand model, Pages 70-84 Clive L. Morley
  • The post-stagnation phase of the resort cycle, Pages 85-111 Gerda Priestley and Lluís Mundet
  • Influence of terrorism risk on foreign tourism decisions, Pages 112-144 Sevil F. Sönmez and Alan R. Graefe
  • Tourism penetration index in small Caribbean islands, Pages 145-168 Jerome L. McElroy and Klaus de Albuquerque
  • Application of leisure motivation scale to tourism, Pages 169-184 Chris Ryan and Ian Glendon
  • Evaluating the governance style of marketing groups, Pages 185-201 Adrian Palmer
  • War and tourism : An American ethnography, Pages 202-227 Valene L. Smith
  • Using personal diaries to collect data, Pages 228-231 Kevin Markwell and Christopher Basche
  • Ecotourism in Canada, Pages 231-235 D. A. Fennell
  • Variation projections and demand analysis, Pages 235-236 Turgut Var, Russell Currie, Carson Watt and James Stribling
  • Tourism demand in Turkey, Pages 236-240 O. Icoz, T. Var and M. Kozak
  • Online ecotourism conference, Pages 240-241 Scott L. Walker
  • The impact of mega events, Pages 241-245 Eduardo Fayos-Solá

Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 275-550 (April 1998) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Sport tourism as the celebration of subculture, Pages 275-291 B. Christine Green and Laurence Chalip
  • Peripheries of the periphery : Tourism in Tobago and Barbuda, Pages 292-313 D. B. Weaver
  • Accommodation employment patterns and opportunities, Pages 314-339 N. Kontogeorgopoulos
  • Perceived attractiveness of korean destinations, Pages 340-361 Hong-bumm Kim
  • Tourism development and cultural policies in China, Pages 362-392 Trevor H. B. Sofield and Fung Mei Sarah Li
  • Economic significance of cruise tourism, Pages 393-415 Larry Dwyer and Peter Forsyth
  • Tourism, terrorism, and political instability, Pages 416-456 Sevil F. Sönmez
  • Tourism development in Paris : Public intervention, Pages 457-476 Douglas G. Pearce
  • Promise or political risk for Mexican tourism, Pages 477-497 Dan A. Cothran and Cheryl Cole Cothran
  • Genetic algorithms for tourism marketing, Pages 498-514 Stephen Hurley, Luiz Moutinho and Stephen F. Witt
  • Consumer behavior and ecotourism products, Pages 515-518 Dimitrios Diamantis
  • World Wide Web resources, Pages 518-521 Vincent Cho
  • Peripheral Area Tourism, Pages 522-523 Geoffrey Wall
  • Tourism and community development, Pages 523-525 Bill Bramwell
  • Innovative methods in tourism research, Pages 525-527 Elisabeth Schifferl
  • Tourism education and training, Pages 527-528 Salah Wahab, Abdel Hammam and Jafar Jafari

Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 551-777 (July 1998) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Expanding the functional information search model, Pages 551-578 Christine A. Vogt and Daniel R. Fesenmaier
  • Tourism and legends: Archaeology of Heritage, Pages 579-596 John G. Robb
  • Forecasting tourism demand in Asian-Pacific countries, Pages 597-615 Fong-Lin Chu
  • Warfare and tourism: Paris in World War II, Pages 616-638 Bertram M. Gordon
  • Backpacker tourism and economic development, Pages 639-660 Mark P. Hampton
  • Travel agents' destination recommendations, Pages 661-674 David B. Klenosky and Richard E. Gitelson
  • Tourist typology: Observations from Belize, Pages 675-699 Stuart McMinn and Erlet Cater
  • Ecotourism versus tourism in a Thai National Park, Pages 700-720 Glen. T. Hvenegaard and Philip Dearden
  • Tourism impact comparisons among Norwegian towns, Pages 721-738 Morten Huse, Torstein Gustavsen and Sigrid Almedal
  • Tourismification of Historical Cities, Pages 739-742 Myriam Jansen-Verbeke
  • Ecotourism Trends, Pages 742-746 Alan A. Lew
  • Tourism Culture, Pages 746-749 Priscilla Boniface
  • Tourism Motives and Loyalty, Pages 749-753 Monica Hanefors and Lena Larsson Mossberg
  • Conference Paper, Pages 753-755
  • Can Ecotourism Objectives Be Achieved?, Pages 755-758 Fiona Burton
  • Branding Tourism Destinations, Pages 758-760 Juergen Gnoth
  • War, Terrorism, and Tourism, Pages 760-763 Sanda Weber
  • Tourism Research, Pages 763-765 Robyn Bushell
  • Sustainable Tourism in Vietnam, Pages 765-767 Russell Arthur Smith
  • Interdisciplinary Revival in Central Europe, Pages 768-769 Alexander G. Keul

Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 783-983 (October 1998) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Tourism dependence and resident attitudes, Pages 783-802 Michael D. Smith and Richard S. Krannich
  • Market/industry confusion in tourism economic analyses, Pages 803-817 Kenneth Wilson
  • Ethnic politics and tourism: A British Case Study, Pages 818-836 Robey Callahan
  • The economic organization of tourism, Pages 837-859 Pascal Tremblay
  • Shared decision-making in tourism land use planning, Pages 860-889 Peter W. Williams, Robert W. Penrose and Suzanne Hawkes
  • Wives' involvement in tourism decision processes, Pages 890-903 Antoine Zalatan
  • Jordan's potential tourism development, Pages 904-918 Marjorie Kelly
  • Movie induced tourism, Pages 919-935 Roger Riley, Dwayne Baker and Carlton S. Van Doren
  • The travel career ladder: An Appraisal, Pages 936-957 Chris Ryan
  • Waterfalls: Resources for Tourism, Pages 958-973 Brian J. Hudson
  • Marketing Resorts in Turkey, Pages 974-977 Ibrahim Birkan
  • Government Tourism Program in Australia, Pages 977-979 Dick Braithwaite
  • Backpacking Tourism in South-East Asia, Pages 979-983 Guenter Spreitzhofer