Journal Source:
Annals of Tourism Research
Volume 31
Volume 30
Volume 29
Volume 25
Volume 22
J. Sustainable Tourism
Tourism Management
Responsible Tourism Management
Journal Resources
of Tourism Research - Volume 28
Volume 28, Issue
1, Pages 7-258 (January 2001) [Abstracts][pdf
- Authenticity
and sincerity in tourism, Pages 7-26 John P. Taylor
- From collective
provision to commodification of tourism?, Pages 27-49 Allan M. Williams
and Vladimír Balá
- Exploring social
interactions of backpackers, Pages 50-67 Laurie Murphy
- Monthly seasonal
variations: Asian tourism to Australia, Pages 68-82 Christine Lim and Michael
- Correcting
response bias in tourist spending surveys, Pages 83-97 Vernon R. Leeworthy,
Peter C. Wiley, Donald B. K. English and Warren Kriesel
- Forecasting
tourism demand: An STM approach, Pages 98-112 Kevin Greenidge
- Community integration:
Island tourism in Peru, Pages 113-139 Ross E. Mitchell and Donald G. Reid
- Tourists and
strippers: Liminal theater, Pages 140-163 Chris Ryan and Amber Martin
- Why people
travel to different places, Pages 164-179 Andreas Papatheodorou
- (Other) bodies
and tourism studies, Pages 180-201 Lynda Johnston
- Validating
quality dimensions, Pages 202-223 Yuksel Ekinci and Michael Riley
- Asian Contagion:
impact on Singapore tourism, Pages 224-226 Habibullah Khan, Rex S. Toh
and Khurrath Fathima
- The HMAS Swan
Artificial Dive Reef, Pages 226-229 Ross K. Dowling and Jenny Nichol
- Predicting
Tourist Attachment to Destinations, Pages 229-232 Charles Changuk Lee
- Tourism and
cyberspace, Pages 232-235 Dimitrios Buhalis
- Senior tourism,
Pages 235-238 Graham M. S. Dann
- Space Tourism,
Pages 238-240 Valene L. Smith
Volume 28, Issue
2, Pages 269-541 (April 2001) [Abstracts][pdf
- Community issues
and resident opinions of tourism, Pages 269-290 John Williams and Rob Lawson
- Cointegration
versus least squares regression, Pages 291-311 Nada Kulendran and Stephen
F. Witt
- Literary places,
tourism and the heritage experience, Pages 312-333 David Herbert
- Mythological
analysis of boating tourism, Pages 334-359 Nick Johns and Valerina Clarke
- Outdoor adventure
tourism: A Review of Research Approaches, Pages 360-377 Karin Weber
- Textile, tourism
and community development, Pages 378-398 Jeffrey H. Cohen
- On passports
and border controls, Pages 399-416 Darren J. O'Byrne
- Postcards from
Malta: Image, Consumption, Context, Pages 417-438 Marion Markwick
- Resident Perceptions
in the Urban–Rural Fringe, Pages 439-458 David B. Weaver and Laura J. Lawton
- Developing
and validating a riverboat gaming impact scale, Pages 459-476 Joseph S.
Chen and Cathy H. C. Hsu
- Tourist harassment:
Barbados Survey Results, Pages 477-492 Klaus de Albuquerque and Jerome
L. McElroy
- On Travelers,
Ethnographers and Tourists, Pages 493-496 Dennison Nash
- How Sustainable
is Sustainable Tourism?, Pages 496-499 Marina P. Velikova
- Russian tourists
visiting Finland, Pages 500-503 Kristina Suvilehto and Pekka Borg
- Gradual switching
regression estimates of tourism demand, Pages 503-508 Craig A. Gallet and
Bradley M. Braun
- International
development assistance in tourism, Pages 508-511 Kreg Lindberg, Arild Molstad,
Donald Hawkins and Walter Jamieson
- The influence
of cognitive distance in vacation choice, Pages 512-515 John L. Crompton
and Seong-Seop Kim
- Building a
Knowledge Base, Pages 516-518 William Gartner
Volume 28, Issue
3, Pages 565-843 (July 2001) [Abstracts][pdf
- Viking heritage
tourism: Authenticity and Commodification, Pages 565-580 Chris Halewood
and Kevin Hannam
- Constructed
leisure space: The Seaside at Durban, Pages 581-596 Robert Preston-Whyte
- Risk creation
in traveling: Backpacker Adventure Narration, Pages 597-617 Torun Elsrud
- Volitional
degrees of gambling behaviors, Pages 618-637 Haemoon Oh and Cathy H. C.
- Souvenir buying
intentions for self versus others, Pages 638-657 Soyoung Kim and Mary A.
- Negotiating
tradition: Tourism Retailers in Guatemala, Pages 658-685 Josephine Moreno
and Mary Ann Littrell
- Guarding authenticity
at literary tourism sites, Pages 686-704 Clare Fawcett and Patricia Cormack
- Scoping the
extent of adventure tourism accidents, Pages 705-726 Tim A. Bentley and
Stephen J. Page
- Reoperationalizing
economic data collection, Pages 727-737 Michael Yuan
- The host should
get lost: Paradigms in the Tourism Theory, Pages 738-761 Julio Aramberri
- Rural cultural
economy: Tourism and Social Relations, Pages 762-783 Moya Kneafsey
- Repeaters'
behavior at two distinct destinations, Pages 784-807 Metin Kozak
- A Critical
Analysis of Subjectivity, Page 808 Vasiliki Galani-Moutafi
- Thinking Economically
about Sustainable Tourism, Pages 809-811 Alan Collins
- World Culture
Expo Segment Characteristics, Pages 812-816 Choong-Ki Lee and Tae-Hee Lee
- Assessing Progress
of Tourism Sustainability, Pages 817-820 James T. G. Ko
- Consumer Attitude
and Behavior, Pages 821-823 Stephen W. Litvin and Donald J. MacLaurin
- Tourism Management
in Heritage Cities, Pages 824-826 Antonio Paolo Russo, Priscilla Boniface
and Noam Shoval
Volume 28, Issue
4, Pages 853-1097 (October 2001) [Abstracts][pdf
- Tourist perception
of environmental impact, Pages 853-867 Melinda Hillery, Blair Nancarrow,
Graham Griffin and Geoff Syme
- Tourists and
troglodytes: Negotiating for Sustainability, Pages 868-891 Hazel Tucker
- Ecotourism
ventures: Rags or Riches?, Pages 892-907 Rael M. Loon and Daniel Polakow
- Urban hotel
development patterns in the face of political shifts, Pages 908-925 Noam
Shoval and Kobi Cohen-Hattab
- An integrative
framework for urban tourism research, Pages 926-946 Douglas G. Pearce
- The resort
lifecycle theory: Generating Processes and Estimation, Pages 947-964 Svend
Lundtorp and Stephen Wanhill
- Forecasting
tourist arrivals, Pages 965-977 Christine Lim and Michael McAleer
- Female tourists
and beach boys: Romance or Sex Tourism?, Pages 978-997 Edward Herold, Rafael
Garcia and Tony DeMoya
- Mediated resistance:
Tourism and the Host Community, Pages 998-1009 Christina A. Joseph and
Anandam P. Kavoori
- Tourism development:
Assessing Social Gains and Losses, Pages 1010-1030 Kreg Lindberg, Tommy
D. Andersson and Benedict G. C. Dellaert
- Earthquake
effects on tourism in central Italy, Pages 1031-1046 Mario Mazzocchi and
Anna Montini
- Clarifying
Heritage Tourism, Pages 1047-1049 Yaniv Poria, Richard Butler and David
- Heritage Tourism:
A Question of Definition, Pages 1049-1052 Brian Garrod and Alan Fyall
- Comparing Tourists
Crime Victimization, Pages 1053-1056 Dee Wood Harper Jr.
- Effect of Prolonged
Political Unrest on Tourism, Pages 1056-1060 A. Soemodinoto, P. P. Wong
and M. Saleh
- Tourism 2000,
Pages 1060-1062 Keith G. Debbage
- Tourism in
the APEC Region, Pages 1063-1064 Youn-Taek Lee, Dae-Kwan Kim and Chulwon