Journal Source:
Annals of Tourism Research
Volume 31
Volume 30
Volume 25
Volume 22
J. Sustainable Tourism
Tourism Management
Responsible Tourism Management
Journal Resources
of Tourism Research - Volume 29
Volume 29, Issue
1, Pages 7-291 (January 2002) [Abstracts][pdf
- Staying on
farms: An Ideological Background, Pages 7-24 Per Åke Nilsson
- Restructuring
seaside tourism: The Resort Lifecyle, Pages 25-55 Sheela Agarwal
- Destination
image: Towards a Conceptual Framework, Pages 56-78 Martina G. Gallarza,
Irene Gil Saura and Haydée Calderón García
- Resident attitudes:
A Structural Modeling Approach, Pages 79-105 Dogan Gursoy, Claudia Jurowski
and Muzaffer Uysal
- Tourism constraints
among Israeli seniors, Pages 106-123 Aliza Fleischer and Abraham Pizam
- Alternative
tourism and social movements, Pages 124-143 Nancy Gard McGehee
- Backpacker
tourism and Third World development, Pages 144-164 Regina Scheyvens
- The "vicious
circle" of tourism development in heritage cities, Pages 165-182 Antonio
Paolo Russo
- Tourism ecolabels,
Pages 183-208 Ralf Buckley
- Revisiting
the destination lifecycle model, Pages 209-230 Gary R. Hovinen
- Host perceptions
of impacts: A Comparative Tourism Study, Pages 231-253 Cevat Tosun
- Built Heritage
and Colonial Cities, Pages 254-257 Joan C. Henderson
- Push and Pull
Relationships, Pages 257-260 Seong-Seop Kim and Choong-Ki Lee
- Love, Anthropology
and Tourism, Pages 261-264 Sagar Singh
- Impact of Information
Technology on Cultural Tourism, Pages 264-266 Meral Korzay and Jinhyung
- Sustainable
Hotels for Sustainable Destinations, Pages 266-268 Cipriano Marin and Jafar
- Tourism, Biodiversity
and Information, Pages 269-270 Francesco di Castri and Venkataraman Balaji
Volume 29, Issue
2, Pages 303-597 (April 2002) [Abstracts][pdf
- Residents'
perceptions of the cultural benefits of tourism, Pages 303-319 Antonia
Besculides, Martha E. Lee and Peter J. McCormick
- Vacation behavior
using a sequence alignment method, Pages 320-337 Bertine Bargeman, Chang-Hyeon
Joh and Harry Timmermans
- The philosophic
practitioner, Pages 338-357 John Tribe
- Tourist roles:
Needs and the Lifecourse, Pages 358-383 Heather Gibson and Andrew Yiannakis
- An examination
of golf vacationers' novelty, Pages 384-400 James F. Petrick
- Desirability
of differences in destinations, Pages 401-421 Julie L. Andsager and Jolanta
A. Drzewiecka
- Evaluating
natural attractions for tourism, Pages 422-438 Jinyang Deng, Brian King
and Thomas Bauer
- Touring mines
and mining tourists, Pages 439-456 Michael Pretes
- Environmental
indicators, Pages 457-477 George Hughes
- Tour operators
and destination safety, Pages 478-496 Nevenka Cavlek
- Destination
benchmarking, Pages 497-519 Metin Kozak
- Backpacking
experiences: A Type and Form Analysis, Pages 520-538 Natan Uriely, Yuval
Yonay and Dalit Simchai
- Human–environmental
relations with tourism, Pages 539-556 Stefan Gössling
- Language Learners
as Cultural Tourists, Pages 557-559 Belinda Kennett
- Timely and
Accurate Estimates of Pleasure Trip Volume, Pages 560-562 Dae-Kwan Kim
- Sustainable
Tourism Curriculum Development, Pages 562-564 Kelly S. Bricker, Ercan Sirakaya
and Tracy Berno
Volume 29, Issue
3, Pages 611-889 (July 2002) [Abstracts][pdf
- Touristic forms
of life in Nepal, Pages 611-630 Sharon J. Hepburn
- Tourists and
Aboriginal people, Pages 631-647 Chris Ryan and Jeremy Huyton
- Representing
New Zealand: Tourism Imagery and Ideology, Pages 648-667 Irena Ateljevic
and Stephen Doorne
- Residents'
attitudes toward tourism development, Pages 668-688 Victor Teye, Ercan
Sirakaya and Sevil F. Sönmez
- Contrasting
strategies: Tourism in Denmark and Singapore, Pages 689-706 Can-Seng Ooi
- Spatial demand
for national battlefield parks, Pages 707-719 Dean M. Hanink and Mathew
- Cooperative
branding for rural destinations, Pages 720-742 Liping A. Cai
- Biodiversity
and Tourism: Impacts and Interventions, Pages 743-761 René van der
Duim and Janine Caalders
- Modeling tourism
crime: The 2000 America's Cup, Pages 762-782 M. Barker, S. J. Page and
D. Meyer
- The Politics
of Tour Guiding: Image Management in Indonesia, Pages 783-800 Heidi Dahles
- Age-related
Lifecycles: Purpose Variations, Pages 801-818 Darrian Collins and Clem
- Categorical
classification of tourism dining, Pages 819-833 Norman Au and Rob Law
- The sacred
and the profane: A Tourist Typology, Pages 834-851 Eugenia Wickens
- Concessions
for Early Development of International Tourism, Pages 852-856 Richard Beilock
and Aleksandra Nicolic
- The Privileges
and Responsibilities of Being a Referee, Pages 856-859 Bob McKercher
- Heritage Proximity
and Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism Development, Pages 859-861 Natan
Uriely, Aviad A. Israeli and Arie Reichel
- The Economic
Contribution of Tourism in Mauritius, Pages 862-865 Ramesh Durbarry
- Foreign Currency
Conversion Strategies used by Tourists, Pages 866-869 Biljana Juric, Rob
Lawson and Grace McLean
- Certification
Systems and Standards in Tourism, Pages 869-870 Xavier Font
- International
Academy for the Study of Tourism, Pages 871-873 Julio Aramberri
Volume 29, Issue
4, Pages 899-1217 (October 2002) [Abstracts][pdf
- Tourism and
seasonal retirement migration, Pages 899-918 Per Gustafson
- A New Paradigm
in Guiding: The Madrich as a Role Model, Pages 919-932 Erik H. Cohen, Maurice
Ifergan and Eynath Cohen
SLOTS: Limits to Growth, Pages 933-951 Keith G. Debbage
CULTURAL PROXIMITY: Examples from New Zealand, Pages 952-971 Chris Ryan
BEHAVIOURAL CONTINUUM, Pages 972-986 Neil Carr
ANALYSIS: A Hybrid Approach, Pages 987-1003 Joseph S. Chen and Muzaffer
- Tourism and
cultural revival, Pages 1004-1021 Rodrigo de Azeredo Grünewald
- African-American
travel agents: Travails and Survival, Pages 1022-1035 David L. Butler,
Perry L. Carter and Stanley D. Brunn
- Cultural tourism
in Kenya, Pages 1036-1047 Kennedy I. Ondimu
- Tourism attraction
systems: Exploring Cultural Behavior, Pages 1048-1064 Greg Richards
- Sustainable
tourism and the question of the commons, Pages 1065-1085 Helen Briassoulis
- Tourism and
immigration: Comparing Alternative Approaches, Pages 1086-1100 Ludmilla
Oigenblick and Alan Kirschenbaum
- Rural tourism
in Spain, Pages 1101-1110 Rosa María Yagüe Perales
- Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in Japanese guidebooks, Pages 1111-1137 Peter Siegenthaler
- Partnership
and regional tourism in Brazil, Pages 1138-1164 Lindemberg Medeiros de
Araujo and Bill Bramwell
- The Use of
Sustainable Tourism Practices, Pages 1165-1168 G. David Twynam and Margaret
E. Johnston
- Profiling Tourists
to Ecotourism Operations, Pages 1168-1171 James E. S. Higham and Anna Carr
- Tourism as
the Subject of North American Doctoral Dissertations, 1987–2000, Pages
1171-1174 Klaus J. Meyer-Arendt and Cynthia Justice
- Auschwitz:
Museum Interpretation and Darker Tourism, Pages 1175-1178 William F. S.