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  Annals of Tourism Research
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      Volume 22
  J. Sustainable Tourism
  Tourism Management

MSc Responsible Tourism Management
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Annals of Tourism Research - Volume 22

Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 1-246 (January 1995) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Postmodern tourism : The Santa Claus Industry, Pages 1-15 Michael Pretes
  • Cross-boder shopping : A North American perspective, Pages 16-34 Dallen J. Timothy and Richard W. Butler
  • Ethnic tourism and nationalism in wales, Pages 35-52 Susan R Pitchford
  • Tourism and gambling content analysis, Pages 53-66 Norma Polovitz Nickerson
  • Behavioral conceptualization of tourism and leisure, Pages 67-85 Kevin Moore, Grant Cushman and David Simmons
  • Residents' perceptions and the role of government, Pages 86-102 Robert Madrigal
  • A meta-analysis of tourism demand, Pages 103-118 Geoffrey I. Crouch
  • Entrepreneurial training in developing countries, Pages 119-134 Charlotte M. Echtner
  • Development of tourism in swaziland, Pages 135-156 David Harrison
  • Tourism and development in Tunisia, Pages 157-171 Robert A. Poirier
  • Tourism in Kenya and the marginalization of Swahili, Pages 172-185 Carol M. Eastman
  • Collaboration theory and community tourism planning, Pages 186-204 Tazim B. Jamal and Donald Getz
  • Foreign Price Perception, Pages 205-207 Karyn Willetts and Simon Kemp
  • Perceived impacts of tourism by residents, Pages 208-210 Pilar Bastias-Perez and Turgut Var
  • Does tourism destroy agriculture?, Pages 210-213 Linda Cox, Morton Fox and Richard L. Bowen
  • Building for tomorrow, Pages 213-215 Jerome F. Agrusa and Bharath M. Josiam
  • Tourism planning and development in Asia, Pages 215-217 Trevor H. B. Sofield

Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 247-489 (April 1995) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Gender in tourism, Pages 247-266 Margaret Byrne Swain
  • Farm tourism, gender and the environment in Spain, Pages 267-282 M. Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Gemma Canoves and Nuria Valdovinos
  • Gender and tourism in an Indonesian village, Pages 283-299 Paul F. Wilkinson and Wiwik Pratiwi
  • Gender and alcohol use in a Greek tourist town, Pages 300-313 Roland S. Moore
  • Crafting selves The Lives of Two Mayan Women, Pages 314-327 Cynthia Abbott Cone
  • Souvenir-purchase behavior of women tourists, Pages 328-348 Luella F. Anderson and Mary Ann Littrell
  • Gender and community tourism dependence level, Pages 349-366 M. Jeannie Harvey, John Hunt and Charles C. Harris Jr.
  • A political economy of Asian sex tourism, Pages 367-384 David Leheny
  • Sexual and national boundaries in tourism, Pages 385-403 Julie Scott
  • Marketing paradise, making nation, Pages 404-421 Colleen Ballerino Cohen
  • For love and money: Romance Tourism in Jamaica, Pages 422-440 Deborah Pruitt and Suzanne LaFont
  • Gringas and otavaleños: Changing Tourist Relations, Pages 441-462 Lynn A. Meisch
  • Japanese craft tourism: Liberating the Crane Wife, Pages 463-478 Millie R. Creighton
  • Democratizing the Tourist Dollar in Costa Rica, Pages 479-481 Nancy W. Shumaker
  • The Female Gender in Greek Agrotourism, Pages 481-484 Olga Iakovidou and Caroline Turner
  • Female Professionals in the Japanese Tourism Industry, Pages 484-487 Hiroko Nozawa
  • Independence for Western Women Through Tourism, Pages 487-489 Kathleen L. Butler

Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 501-709 (July 1995) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • An empirical analysis of oligopolistic hotel pricing, Pages 501-516 Tom Baum and Ram Mudambi
  • Peripheral tourism: Development and Management, Pages 517-534 Andreas E. Hohl and Clem A. Tisdell
  • Travel life cycle, Pages 535-552 Martin Oppermann
  • Just tourism: An Ethical Framework, Pages 553-567 John Hultsman
  • Marketing Mayas: Ethnic Tourism Promotion in Mexico, Pages 568-588 Pierre L. van den Berghe
  • Tourism and heritage conservation in Singapore, Pages 589-615 Peggy Teo and Shirlena Huang
  • Tourism destination marketing alliances, Pages 616-629 Adrian Palmer and David Bejou
  • Prestige-worthy tourism behavior, Pages 630-649 Roger W. Riley
  • Modernist anthropology and tourism of the authentic, Pages 650-670 Michael Harkin
  • The value of forests for tourism in Sweden, Pages 671-680 Göran Bostedt and Leif Mattsson
  • Discussion, Pages 681-684
  • Discussion, Pages 684-687
  • Business Travel Counseling, Pages 688-690 Silvia Sussmann and Faria Ng
  • Indonesia's National Tourism Development Plan, Pages 690-694 Trevor H. B. Sofield
  • Riverboat Gambling in Illinois, Pages 694-696 A. J. Haley and Lawrence J. Truitt
  • World Business Congress, Pages 696-697 Kadir H. Din and Muzaffer Uysal
  • Eurotourism: Research and Perspectives, Pages 697-699 Dimitrios Buhalis, Chris Cooper and John Westlake
  • Urban Tourism and City Trips, Pages 699-700 Myriam Jansen-Verbeke
  • Building a Sustainable World Through Tourism, Pages 701-702 Deirdre Gibbons, Brian Hill and Steve IllumTurgut Var
  • Tourism Training Needs in the Asia Pacific Region, Pages 703-704 S. J. Craig-Smith and Michael Fagence
  • Preserving Nature and Cultural Heritage, Pages 704-706 Geoffrey Wall
  • Tourism Sport International Council, Pages 707-708 Joseph Kurtzman and John Zauhar
  • International Institute for Peace Through Tourism, Page 709 Brian Hill, Deirdre Gibbons, Steve Illum and Turgut Var

Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 735-940 (October 1995) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Jamaican children's representations of tourism, Pages 735-762 Jan Gamradt
  • Tourists and retailers' perceptions of services, Pages 763-780 Christine A. Vogt and Daniel R. Fesenmaier
  • Authenticity in tourism, Pages 781-803 George Hughes
  • Forecasting tourist arrivals in barbados, Pages 804-818 Gerard S. Dharmaratne
  • Young budget travelers: backpackers in Australia, Pages 819-843 Laurie Loker-Murphy and Philip L. Pearce
  • Developing an evolutionary tourism partnership model, Pages 844-856 Steve Selin and Debbie Chavez
  • The UK market for tourism in China, Pages 857-876 Douglas Jeffrey and Xie Yanjun
  • Tourism and agricultural development in Thailand, Pages 877-900 Timothy J. Forsyth
  • Does nationality affect tourist behavior?, Pages 901-917 Abraham Pizam and Silvia Sussmann
  • Importance of tourism for the economy of bermuda, Pages 918-930 Brian Archer
  • Nearest-Neighbor Techniques in Tourism Research, Pages 931-932 H. J. Clay, W. T. Williams and Joy L. Rutledge
  • US Demand for Vietnam Tourism, Pages 933-936 Thomas W. Blaine, Golam Mohammed, Fred Ruppel and Turgut Var
  • Education Through Experience, Pages 936-937 Turgut Var and Peter Anastasapoulos
  • Fragile Environments: People and Tourism, Pages 937-939 Bill Bramwell
  • Quality Management in Urban Tourism, Pages 939-940 Geoffrey Wall