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      Volume 23
      Volume 22
  J. Sustainable Tourism
  Tourism Management

MSc Responsible Tourism Management
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Annals of Tourism Research - Volume 23

Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 1-232 (January 1996) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Transformation of Vilavilairevo in tourism, Pages 1-18
  • Domestic tourism in Kenya, Pages 19-31 Isaac Sindiga
  • The economic impact of tourism in the Seychelles, Pages 32-47 Brian Archer and John Fletcher
  • New directions in tourism for third world development, Pages 48-70 John Brohman
  • Resident attitudes toward legal gambling, Pages 71-85 Kang Yong-Soon, Patrick T. Long and Richard R. Perdue
  • Rural tourism in Southern Germany, Pages 86-102 Martin Oppermann
  • An analysis of Canadian cross-border travel, Pages 103-122 Livio Di Matteo and Rosanna Di Matteo
  • Perspectives on tourism in selected Balinese villages, Pages 123-137 Geoffrey Wall
  • Influence of cognitive distance in vacation choice, Pages 138-150 Paul K. Ankomah, John L. Crompton and Dwayne Baker
  • Using a neural network to forecast visitor behavior, Pages 151-164 Douglas C. Pattie and John Snyder
  • Competing hospitalities in Japanese rural tourism, Pages 165-180 John Knight
  • Tourism strategy planning, Pages 181-200 John Fletcher and Chris Cooper
  • Tourism marketing images of industrial cities, Pages 201-221 Bill Bramwell and Liz Rawding
  • Tourism Growth in Singapore: An Optimal Target, Pages 222-224 Habibullah Khan, Phang Sock-yong and Rex S. Toh
  • Sustainability in Tourism and Leisure, Pages 224-225 Geoffrey Wall
  • Tourism Down Under, Pages 226-227 Richard Butler
  • Human Resources Development and Quality Tourism: A Multi-Conference Report, Pages 228-231 Jafar Jafari and Eduardo Fayos-Sola
  • International Forum of Travel and Tourism Advocates, Pages 231-232 Stephen Colwell

Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 249-502 (April 1996) - Heritage and tourism [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Heritage and postmodern tourism, Pages 249-260 Wiendu Nuryanti
  • Production and consumption of European cultural tourism, Pages 261-283 Greg Richards
  • Urban heritage tourism : The global-local nexus, Pages 284-305 T. C. Chang, Simon Milne, Dale Fallon and Corinne Pohlmann
  • Tourism in European heritage cities, Pages 306-321 Jan van der Borg, Paolo Costa and Giuseppe Gotti
  • Consuming (in) the civilized city, Pages 322-340 Kevin Meethan
  • Mines and quarries : Industrial heritage tourism, Pages 341-363 J. Arwel Edwards, Joan Carles and Llurdés i Coit
  • Scanning museum visitors : Urban tourism marketing, Pages 364-375 Myriam Jansen-Verbeke and Johan van Rekom
  • Mindful visitors : Heritage and tourism, Pages 376-397 Gianna Moscardo
  • Historic houses and special events, Pages 398-414 Robert L. Janiskee
  • Magic kingdom or a quixotic quest for authenticity?, Pages 415-431 Mike Crang
  • National heritage and global tourism in Thailand, Pages 432-448 Maurizio Peleggi
  • Too much room at the inn?, Pages 449-462 Myra Shackley
  • Diversified funding methods in Mexican archeology, Pages 463-478 Ernesto Beltrán and Mariano Rojas
  • Developing sustainable tourism for world heritage sites, Pages 479-484 Anne Drost
  • A perspective from Canada on heritage and tourism, Pages 484-488 Ronald G. Seale
  • Ecotourism in Thailand, Pages 488-490 Ross Dowling
  • Tourism labor market, Pages 490-492 Martin Lohmann and Jafar Jafari

Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 503-725 (July 1996) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Perceived impacts of tourism: The Case of Samos, Pages 503-526 Nicholas Haralambopoulos and Abraham Pizam
  • Determinants of inbound tourist expenditures, Pages 527-542 Lee Choong-Ki, Turgut Var and Thomas W. Blaine
  • Ecotourism questioned: Case Studies from Belize, Pages 543-562 Kreg Lindberg, Jeremy Enriquez and Keith Sproule
  • Differences between tourism and recreation in parks, Pages 563-575 Bob Mckercher
  • The legacy of Kevin Lynch: Research Implications, Pages 576-598 Philip L. Pearce and Michael Fagence
  • Contents of tour packages: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Pages 599-616 Yael Enoch
  • Tourism in transition in post-Soviet Estonia, Pages 617-634 Reiner Jaakson
  • Linkages between tourism and food production, Pages 635-653 David J. Telfer and Geoffrey Wall
  • Tourism and environmental degradation in Sochi, Russia, Pages 654-665 Nina S. Lukashina, Marat M. Amirkhanov, Valerii I. Anisimov and Alexander Trunev
  • Tourist accidents: An Exploratory Analysis, Pages 666-690 Stephen J. Page and Denny Meyer
  • Discussion, Pages 691-694
  • Discussion, Page 694
  • Resident Attitudes toward Tourism Impacts, Pages 695-697 Perver Korça
  • Tourism Education in Kenya, Pages 698-701 Isaac Sindiga
  • Host Involvement in VFR Travel, Pages 701-703 Bob McKercher
  • Economic Impact Analysis, Pages 704-707 Brian Archer
  • Redefining Cultural Tourism, Pages 707-709 Howard L. Hughes
  • Lessons from the Mississippi Casino-Gaming Experience, Pages 709-710 Peter E. Tarlow and Mitchell J. Muehsam
  • Gay Tourism in the United States, Pages 711-713 Briavel Holcomb and Michael T. Luongo
  • Integrating Integrated Resorts, Pages 713-717 Geoffrey Wall
  • Regional Tourism Cooperation, Pages 717-720 Michael Fagence
  • Gender and Tourism Development, Pages 721-722 Geoffrey Wall
  • Adventure Travel and Ecotourism in Asia, Pages 723-724 Alan A. Lew
  • Tourism Conference on Safety and Establishment of a Center, Pages 724-725 Anna Johansson and Lars Nyberg

Volume 23, Issue 4, Pages 739-979 (October 1996) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Analysis of tourism trends in Spain, Pages 739-754 Pilar González and Paz Moral
  • Residents' attitudes towards an instant resort enclave, Pages 755-779 Sigfredo A. Hernandez, Judy Cohen and Hector L. Garcia
  • Tourism dance performances: Authenticity and Creativity, Pages 780-797 Yvonne Payne Daniel
  • Tourism experiences within an attributional framework, Pages 798-810 Mervyn S. Jackson, Gerard N. White and Claire L. Schmierer
  • A tourist space-time budget in the Shetland Islands, Pages 811-829 David A. Fennell
  • Ghettos as tourism attractions, Pages 830-842 Joseph M. Conforti
  • An evaluation of ecotourism in Amazonas, Brazil, Pages 843-873 George N. Wallace and Susan M. Pierce
  • Habits of thought and cultural tourism, Pages 874-890 Alf H. Walle
  • Econometric forecasts of tourism demand to 2005, Pages 891-907 Egon Smeral and Stephen F. Witt
  • Involvement and opinion leadership in tourism, Pages 908-924 Ute Jamrozy, Sheila J. Backman and Kenneth F. Backman
  • Sustainable Tourism: Technical Issues and Information Needs, Pages 925-928 Ralf Buckley
  • Economic Impact of the Israeli Tourists on North Cyprus, Pages 928-931 Hasan Ali Biçak and Mehmet Altinary
  • Users and Non-Users on the Expectation Item of the SERVQUAL Scale, Pages 931-934 Chris Ryan and Andrew Cliff
  • Joint University Programs, Pages 934-935 Daniel E. Wegner
  • Attitude towards Tourism Development, Pages 935-938 Diane Burns
  • Improving Tourism Survey Response Rates, Pages 939-941 Vern Vincent and Gilberto de los Santos
  • A Theoretical Explanation of International Tourism Investments, Pages 941-943 Peter J. Buckley and Necla V. Geyikdagi
  • Ecotourism Impact Awareness, Pages 944-945 Scott L. Walker
  • Defining Vernacular Tourism, Pages 945-948 Karen De Bres
  • Cultural Tourism as Serious Leisure, Pages 948-950 Robert A. Stebbins
  • Wilderness Images of Tourism and Community, Pages 950-953 Greg Ringer
  • Developing Cultural Tourism Opportunities, Pages 954-955 Robyn Bushell and Jafar Jafari
  • Culture and International Tourism, Pages 955-958 Jack Carlsen and Jafar Jafari
  • World Conference on Sustainable Tourism, Pages 958-960 Jafar Jafari
  • Innovation, Technology, and Information, Pages 960-962 Brian Mihalik, William C. Gartner and Muzaffer Uysal
  • WTO General Assembly, Pages 962-964 Scott Wayne and Jafar Jafari
  • Asia Pacific Tourism Association is Launched, Pages 965-966 John L. Crompton and Sohn Hai-Sik