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  Annals of Tourism Research
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      Volume 24
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  J. Sustainable Tourism
  Tourism Management

MSc Responsible Tourism Management
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Annals of Tourism Research - Volume 24

Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 1-263 (January 1997) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Applying the life cycle model to Melanesia, Pages 1-22 Ngaire Douglas
  • Museums and touristic expectations, Pages 23-40 Julia Harrison
  • Career stress responses among hospitality employees, Pages 41-51 Glenn F. Ross
  • Paradoxes of tourism in Goa, Pages 52-75 David Wilson
  • Estimating economic impacts from tourism, Pages 76-89 Deying Zhou, John F. Yanagida, Ujjayant Chakravorty and PingSun Leung
  • The economic values of tourism's social impacts, Pages 90-116 Kreg Lindberg and Rebecca L. Johnson
  • Quality and pricing in tourism destinations, Pages 117-130 Michael J. Keane
  • Dimensions of photography in a nature-based tour, Pages 131-155 Kevin W. Markwell
  • Tourism and the autonomous communities in Spain, Pages 156-177 Douglas Pearce
  • Convention participation decision-making process, Pages 178-191 Martin Oppermann and Kye-Sung Chon
  • Remaking local heritage for tourism, Pages 192-213 Peggy Teo and Brenda S. A. Yeoh
  • Applications of the life-cycle model in tourism, Pages 214-234 L. Alex Tooman
  • Characteristics of effective tourism promotion slogans, Pages 235-238 David B. Klenosky and Richard E. Gitelson
  • A Cross-cultural application of the novelty scale, Pages 238-240 Soon-Ok Jeong and Suk-Hee Park
  • Tourism attractions: Points, lines, and areas, Pages 240-243 Geoffrey Wall
  • Tourism human resources development, Pages 243-245 Eduardo Fayos-Sola and Jafar Jafari
  • Information technology and the reengineering of tourism, Pages 245-247 Dimitrios Buhalis, Jafar Jafari and Hannes Werthner
  • Managing urban tourist numbers, Pages 248-249 Bill Bramwell
  • Architecture and tourism, Pages 249-251 H. W. Kierchhoff

Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 265-502 (April 1997) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Pursuing risk or insight : Marketing Adventures, Pages 265-282 Alf H. Walle
  • Tourism motivation and expectation formation, Pages 283-304 Juergen Gnoth
  • Authenticity in tourism : The San Angel Inns, Pages 305-321 Frank A. Salamone
  • Selling to tourists : Indonesian street vendors, Pages 322-340 Dallen J. Timothy and Geoffrey Wall
  • The making of an attraction : The case of North Cape, Pages 341-356 Jens Kristian and Steen Jacobsen
  • Tourism and leisure in China : A tale of two cities, Pages 357-370 Honggen Xiao
  • Mediating India : An analysis of a guidebook, Pages 371-389 Deborah P. Bhattacharyya
  • Energy and tourism in Hawaii, Pages 390-401 Natalia Tabatchnaia-Tamirisa, Matthew K. Loke, PingSun Leung and Ken A. Tucker
  • Modeling resident attitudes toward tourism, Pages 402-424 Kreg Lindberg and Rebecca L. Johnson
  • Motives of visitors attending festival events, Pages 425-439 John L. Crompton and Stacey L. McKay
  • European collaboration in sustainable tourism, Pages 440-442 Bill Bramwell
  • Ecotourism development in Australia, Pages 442-446 Gamini Herath
  • Scale effects on tourism multipliers, Pages 446-450 Geoffrey Wall
  • Identity and cultural tourism, Pages 450-452 Robert A. Stebbins
  • Life cycle model, Pages 452-455 Justine Digance
  • Cultural tourism in Portugal, Pages 455-457 Carlos Fortuna
  • Multi-destination trip patterns, Pages 458-461 Susan I. Stewart and Christine A. Vogt
  • Rethinking carrying capacity, Pages 461-465 Kreg Lindberg, Stephen McCool and George Stankey
  • Environmental management performance in tourism accommodation, Pages 465-469 R. C. Buckley and G. F. Araujo
  • Alpine tourism, Pages 469-470 Stephen L. J. Smith
  • Urban and regional tourism, Page 471 M. Saayman
  • Paradigms in tourism research, Pages 472-474 Graham M. S. Dann
  • Culture, tourism, development: Crucial issues for the twenty-first century, Pages 474-476 Hervé Barré and far Jafari
  • Sustainable tourism, Pages 477-478 Philippa Hunter-Jones
  • Who is selling Ecotourism to whom?, Pages 479-480 R. C. Buckley and E. Clough
  • The Canadian Tourism Commission, Pages 481-483 Stephen L. J. Smith and Scott Meis
  • The Ecotourism Society, Pages 483-484 Kathleen Murphy

Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 503-776 (July 1997) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Tourist information search, Pages 503-523 Dale Fodness and Brian Murray
  • Quantitative versus qualitative tourism research, Pages 524-536 Alf H. Walle
  • Pictorial element of destination in image formation, Pages 537-565 Kelly J. MacKay and Daniel R. Fesenmaier
  • Power relations and community-based tourism planning, Pages 566-591 Maureen G. Reed
  • Estimating the economic impacts of tourism, Pages 592-608 John E. Wagner
  • The right of public access in Sweden, Pages 609-623 Reza Mortazavi
  • Car trip attraction and route choice in Australia, Pages 624-637 John H. E. Taplin and Min Qiu
  • The indiscipline of tourism, Pages 638-657 John Tribe
  • Estimating the net economic impact of air services, Pages 658-674 K. Raguraman
  • Political risk analysis and tourism, Pages 675-686 Robert A. Poirier
  • Recreational housing and local government finance, Pages 687-705 Steven C. Deller, David W. Marcouiller and Gary P. Green
  • Territorial functioning in a tourism setting, Pages 706-720 Kathleen L. Andereck
  • Tourism and the economic development of Cornwall, Pages 721-735 Barry P. Andrew
  • The waste of tourism, Pages 736-739 Neil Leiper
  • Validation of the TIAS as a tourism tool, Pages 740-742 Rick Rollins
  • Perceived impacts of ecotourism development, Pages 743-745 Scott L. Walker
  • Structural and sociodemographic constraints, Pages 745-748 Gordon Waitt
  • The event market, Pages 748-751 L ena Larsson Mossberg
  • Tourism and the personal heritage experience, Pages 751-754 Dallen J. Timothy
  • Graduate education and research, Pages 754-756 Alf H. Walle

Volume 24, Issue 4, Pages 777-1031 (October 1997) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Sun, sand, and hard currency: Tourism in Cuba, Pages 777-795 Pablo Martin de Holan and Nelson Phillips
  • Evaluating tourist risks from fuzzy perspectives, Pages 796-812 Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng and Kuo-Ching Wang
  • A framework for computer-assisted travel counseling, Pages 813-834 Scott R. Loban
  • Review of international tourism demand models, Pages 835-849 Christine Lim A
  • Sustainable tourism as an adaptive paradigm, Pages 850-867 Colin Hunter
  • The disciplinary dilemma of tourism studies, Pages 868-883 Charlotte M. Echtner and Tazim B. Jamal
  • A pleasure-tourism behaviors framework, Pages 884-897 Russell R. Currie
  • Carving and tourism: A Maori Perspective, Pages 898-918 Chris Ryan and John Crotts
  • Attitudinal compliance with ecotourism guidelines, Pages 919-950 Ercan Sirakaya
  • The iconography of the tourism experience, Pages 951-969 Ernest Sternberg
  • Discussion, Pages 970-973
  • Major 1987-93 Tourism Proposals in Australia, Pages 974-978 J. Warnken and R. Buckley
  • Tourism Development in Greenland, Pages 978-982 Margaret E. Johnston and Arvid Viken
  • Theories of Modern and Postmodern Tourism, Pages 982-985 Natan Uriely
  • Site Selection Criteria of the Small Trade Association, Pages 985-987 Penny M. Simpson and Mary Lynn Wilkerson
  • Tourism Development and Dependency Theory: Mass Tourism vs. Ecotourism, Pages 988-991 Maryam M. Khan
  • Total Economic Evaluation of Protected Areas, Pages 992-994 Clem Tisdell and Jie Wen
  • The Cross-Cultural Equivalence of the TIAS: Summary Results, Pages 994-998 I. E. Schneider, Samuel Lankford and Takashi Oguchi
  • Multiregional Input-Output Analysis, Pages 998-1001 Aliza Fleischer and Daniel Freeman
  • Satisfaction with Amusement Parks, Pages 1001-1005 Henk Roest, Rik Pieters and Kitty Koelemeijer
  • Targeting Airline Advertising Copy, Pages 1005-1008 William G. Browne and Rex S. Toh
  • Tracking the Salzburg Tourist, Pages 1008-1012 Alexander Keul and Anton Kühberger
  • The Swedish Tourism Database, Pages 1012-1013 Bengt Sahlberg and Lars Nyberg