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  Annals of Tourism Research
      Volume 31
      Volume 30
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      Volume 23
      Volume 22
  J. Sustainable Tourism
  Tourism Management

MSc Responsible Tourism Management
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Annals of Tourism Research - Volume 30

Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 7-279 (January 2003) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Festival as creative destination, Pages 7-30 Richard Prentice and Vivien Andersen
  • A model of demand for international tourism, Pages 31-49 Sarath Divisekera
  • Highland and other haunts: Ghosts in Scottish Tourism, Pages 50-63 David Inglis and Mary Holmes
  • Labor mobility into tourism: Attraction and Satisfaction, Pages 64-76 Edith Szivas, Michael Riley and David Airey
  • Tourism and understanding: The MBA Study Mission, Pages 77-93 Stephen W. Litvin
  • In need of new environmental ethics for tourism?, Pages 94-108 Andrew Holden
  • ECOSERV: Ecotourists' Quality Expectations, Pages 109-124 Maryam Khan
  • Tourism and nationalism, Pages 125-142 Michael Pretes
  • Pilgrimage at contested sites, Pages 143-159 Justine Digance
  • Subjective norms: Effects on Job Satisfaction, Pages 160-177 Terry Lam, Tom Baum and Ray Pine
  • Market segmentation by tourists' sentiments, Pages 178-193 Joseph S. Chen
  • Social impacts of the Sydney Olympics, Pages 194-215 Gordon Waitt
  • Motion picture impacts on destination images, Pages 216-237 Hyounggon Kim and Sarah L. Richardson
  • The core of heritage tourism, Pages 238-254 Yaniv Poria, Richard Butler and David Airey
  • Stakeholders' Views on Higher Tourism Education, Pages 255-258 Diyah B. Ernawati
  • SERVQUAL Reliability and Validity in Travel Agencies, Pages 258-262 J. E. Bigné, C. Martínez, M. J. Miquel and L. Andreu

Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 287-513 (April 2003) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Global and local interactions in tourism, Pages 287-306 Peggy Teo and Lim Hiong Li
  • Cultural rural tourism: Evidence from Canada, Pages 307-322 Roberta MacDonald and Lee Jolliffe
  • Implications of potential green tourism development, Pages 323-341 Sung-kwon Hong, Seong-il Kim and Jae-hyun Kim
  • Hotel investment in open area, Pages 342-352 Linda J. Cox and Gary R. Vieth
  • Commoditizing culture: Tourism and Maya Identity, Pages 353-368 Laurie Kroshus Medina
  • Change in an Estonian resort: Contrasting Development Contexts, Pages 369-385 Barry Worthington
  • Shades of dark tourism: Alcatraz and Robben Island, Pages 386-405 Carolyn Strange and Michael Kempa
  • Local economic impacts: The British Open, Pages 406-425 Ayele Gelan
  • Touring Churchill's England: Rituals of Kinship and Belonging, Pages 426-445 Catherine Palmer
  • Pay determination: A Socioeconomic Framework, Pages 446-464 Michael Riley and Edith Szivas
  • Noticing notices: Tourism to Order, Pages 465-484 Graham M. S. Dann
  • Changes in Skiing and Snowmobiling in Swedish Mountains, Pages 485-488 Peter Fredman and Thomas A. Heberlein
  • A Cross-cultural Study of Airline Passengers, Pages 489-492 Samuel Seongseop Kim and Bruce Prideaux
  • The Tourist Historic City, Pages 492-494 Jeroen Bryon and Antonio Paolo Russo
  • H.W. (Bill) Faulkner 1945–2002, Pages 494-496 Neil Leiper

Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 523-765 (July 2003): [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • The boundaries of nature tourism, Pages 523-545 Gordon Waitt, Ruth Lane and Lesley Head
  • Linkages between tourism and agriculture in Mexico, Pages 546-566 Rebecca Torres
  • Tourists and residents use of a shopping space, Pages 567-580 David J. Snepenger, Leann Murphy, Ryan O'Connell and Eric Gregg
  • Maltese responses to tourism, Pages 581-605 Bill Bramwell
  • Tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism, Pages 606-624 Andrew Lepp and Heather Gibson
  • Emergence of mountain-based adventure tourism, Pages 625-643 Paul Beedie and Simon Hudson
  • Relationship Marketing: The Challenge for Destinations, Pages 644-659 Alan Fyall, Christine Callod and Brenda Edwards
  • The context of third world tourism marketing, Pages 660-682 Charlotte M. Echtner and Pushkala Prasad
  • Tourism and globalization: Economic Impact in Indonesia, Pages 683-701 Guntur Sugiyarto, Adam Blake and M. Thea Sinclair
  • Staged authenticity and heritage tourism, Pages 702-719 Deepak Chhabra, Robert Healy and Erin Sills
  • Competitive potential of tourism in destinations, Pages 720-740 Arturo Melián-González and Juan Manuel García-Falcón
  • The Tourist: A Messenger of Peace?, Pages 741-744 Sashana Askjellerud
  • Tourism Development in the Canary Islands, Pages 744-747 Sergio Moreno Gil

Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 779-1048 (October 2003): [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Gallipoli thanatourism: The Meaning of ANZAC, Pages 779-794 Peter Slade
  • The convergence process in heritage tourism, Pages 795-812 Alexandros Apostolakis
  • TOURISM CRISIS MANAGEMENT: US Response to September 11, Pages 813-832 Adam Blake and M. Thea Sinclair
  • Tourists and refugees: Coinciding Sociocultural Impacts, Pages 833-846 Ruth V. Russell
  • Backpacker ethnography, Pages 847-867 Anders Sørensen
  • PRE- AND POST-CASINO IMPACT OF RESIDENTS' PERCEPTION, Pages 868-885 Choong-Ki Lee and Ki-Joon Back
  • International leisure tourists' involvement profile, Pages 906-926 Dogan Gursoy and Erdogan Gavcar
  • Market shares analysis: The Case of French Tourism Demand, Pages 927-941 Ramesh Durbarry and M. Thea Sinclair
  • Decomposing seasonal concentration, Pages 942-956 Antonio Fernández-Morales
  • Saudi Arabian Tourism Patterns and Attitudes, Pages 957-959 Philip J. Seddon and Abdul-Rahman Khoja