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  Annals of Tourism Research
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  J. Sustainable Tourism
  Tourism Management

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Annals of Tourism Research - Volume 31

Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 7-246 (January 2004) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • THE TRADITION OF INVENTION: Conceiving Las Vegas Pages 7-23 William A. Douglass and Pauliina Raento
  • TOURISM PLANNING: A Third Way? Pages 24-43 Peter M. Burns
  • BEYOND THE TOURIST BUBBLE?: Cruiseship Passengers in Port Pages 44-60 Reiner Jaakson
  • THE TOURIST MOMENT Pages 61-77 Stephanie Hom Cary
  • THIS TRIP REALLY CHANGED ME: Backpackers’ Narratives of Self-Change Pages 78-102 Chaim Noy
  • HOLIDAYTAKING AND THE SENSE OF WELL-BEING Pages 103-121 David Gilbert and Junaida Abdullah
  • FRAMING PORTUGAL: Representational Dynamics Pages 122-138 Carla Almeida Santos
  • WHICH TOURISM RULES?: Green Standards and GATS Pages 139-156 Jem Bendell and Xavier Font
  • TOURISM RESEARCH ON GREECE: A Critical Overview Pages 157-179 Vasiliki Galani-Moutafi
  • ESTIMATING INCOME EFFECTS OF A SPORT TOURISM EVENT Pages 180-199 Margaret J. Daniels , William C. Norman and Mark S. Henry
  • Travel as transition: Identity and Place Pages 200-218 Naomi Rosh White and Peter B. White
  • EXPLORING THE EVOLUTION OF TOURISM RESORTS Pages 219-237 Andreas Papatheodorou
  • Climate Change and Tourism Pages 238-240 Sarah Nicholls

Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 255-486 (April 2004) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • No-escape natural disaster: Mitigating Impacts on Tourism Pages 255-273 Tzung-Cheng Huan, Jay Beaman and Lori Shelby
  • RECONCEPTUALIZING TOURISM Pages 274-295 Bryan H. Farrell and Louise Twining-Ward
  • DISTANCE EFFECTS ON RESIDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARD TOURISM Pages 296-312 Claudia Jurowski and Dogan Gursoy
  • REGIONAL TOURISM PLANNING IN SPAIN: Evolution and Perspectives Pages 313-333 Josep A. Ivars Baidal
  • AN ANALYSIS OF WHALEWATCHING CODES OF CONDUCT Pages 334-352 Brian Garrod and David A. Fennell
  • ANALYZING SEASONALITY IN WELSH ROOM OCCUPANCY DATA Pages 374-392 Nicole Koenig and Eberhard E. Bischoff
  • ATTRIBUTES OF POPULAR CULTURAL ATTRACTIONS IN HONG KONG Pages 393-407 Bob McKercher, Pamela S. Y. Ho and Hilary du Cros
  • ROLES TOURISTS PLAY: An Australian Perspective Pages 408-427 Jo-Ann Foo, Robyn McGuiggan and Andrew Yiannakis
  • The Demonstration Effect Revisited Pages 428-446 David Fisher
  • CULTURE CONFUSION: Intercultural Adaptation in Tourism Pages 447-466 Petri Hottola
  • The Context of Third World Tourism Marketing Pages 467-469 Dennison Nash
  • The Context of Third World Tourism Marketing Pages 469-471 Charlotte M. Echtner and Pushkala Prasad
  • Segmenting Cruisers by Loyalty Pages 472-475 James F. Petrick and Ercan Sirakaya
  • Vertical Integration in the European Package Tour Business Pages 475-478 Ludwig Theuvsen

Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 495-747 (July 2004) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Host attitudes toward tourism: An Improved Structural Model, Pages 495-516 Dogan Gursoy and Denney G. Rutherford
  • The Role of Mood on Tourism Product Evaluations, Pages 517-539 Ercan Sirakaya, James Petrick and Hwan-Suk Choi
  • Nature Tourism Constraints: A Cross-Activity Comparison, Pages 540-555 Gyan P. Nyaupane, Duarte B. Morais and Alan R. Graefe
  • Entrepreneurship, Chaos and the Tourism Area Lifecycle, Pages 556-579 Roslyn Russell and Bill Faulkner
  • Host produced rural tourism: Towa’s Tokyo Antenna Shop, Pages 580-600 Christopher S. Thompson
  • PLACE AND IDENTITY IN TOURISTS’ ACCOUNTS, Pages 601-622 Scott McCabe and Elizabeth H. Stokoe
  • Community Tourism Planning: A Self-Assessment Instrument, Pages 623-639 Donald G. Reid, Heather Mair and Wanda George
  • CULTURAL POLITICS AND CONTESTED PLACE IDENTITY, Pages 640-656 Sunny Jeong and Carla Almeida. Santos
  • Factors influencing destination image, Pages 657-681 Asunciòn Beerli and Josefa D. Martín
  • Emotions in segmentation: An Empirical Study, Pages 682-696 J. Enrique Bigné and Luisa Andreu
  • The economic determinants of seasonal patterns, Pages 697-711 Jaume Rosselló Nadal, Antoni Riera Font and Andreu Sansó Rosselló
  • A DEA Evaluation of Taipei Hotels, Pages 712-715 Wan-Erh Chiang, Ming-Hone Tsai and Li Shau-Mei Wang
  • The Over-Reaction to SARS and the Collapse of Asian Tourism, Pages 716-719 Bob McKercher and Kaye Chon
  • Assessment and Role of Destination-Self-Congruity, Pages 719-723 Elisabeth Kastenholz.

Volume 31, Issue 4, Pages (October 2004) [Abstracts][pdf files]

  • Food in tourism: Attraction and Impediment, Pages 755-778 Erik Cohen and Nir Avieli
  • Tourism’s uneven impact: History on Cannery Row, Pages 779-800 Paul M. Fotsch
  • The effect of prior experience on vacation behavior, Pages 801-818 Xinran Y. Lehto, Joseph T. O’Leary and Alastair M. Morrison
  • Mitigating tourism seasonality: A Quantitative Approach, Pages 819-836 SooCheong (Shawn) Jang
  • Sound and meaning in Aboriginal tourism, Pages 837-854 Kaley Mason
  • Play in adventure tourism: The Case of Arctic Trekking, Pages 855-878 Szilvia Gyimóthy and Reidar J. Mykletun
  • Cultural tourism, the state, and Day of the Dead, Pages 879-898 Lucero Morales Cano and Avis Mysyk
  • Coastal tourism and shoreline management, Pages 899-922 Simon Jennings
  • Tourist familiarity and imagery, Pages 923-945 Richard Prentice
  • Traveling with a disability: More than an Access Issue, Pages 946-960 Matthew Kwai-sang Yau, Bob McKercher and Tanya L. Packer
  • Prior knowledge, credibility and information search, Pages 961-985 Deborah Kerstetter and Mi-Hea Cho
  • Rethinking standards from green to sustainable, Pages 986-1007 Xavier Font and Catherine Harris
  • Planning the summer vacation : An Adaptable Process, Pages 1008-1030 Alain Decrop and Dirk Snelders
  • Natural amenities, tourism and income distribution, Pages 1031-1050 David W. Marcouiller, Kwang-Koo Kim and Steven C. Deller
  • Profiling risk perceptions of tourists, Pages 1051-1054 Myron F. Floyd and Lori Pennington-Gray